Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Principalities of Willful Ignorance



What Saul, aka St Paul, of Tarsus wrote in Ephesians 6:12,
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.", didn't go far enough. 

We've seen such darkness not come rolling down from on-high, but from those amongst us. BECAUSE we seek the principality of our own willful ignorance as the origins of our beliefs and derived thoughts. The irony of it is that in the most technologically sophisticated age in DOCUMENTED history, we KNOW of the sinister darkness that erupts as bloody insults on the body of our common humanity. All we do is maintain ourselves in our herds of physical and or emotional security, fearing the literal visitation of that metaphorical bogeyman of unspeakable, traumatic death.

We should have known not only from Hemingway's 'For whom the Bell Tolls' was more the poetic 'hymn of preparation' for what would be so a common part of our narrative, poignantly articulated by 'The Diary of Ann Frank', as well as the terror the vulnerable and the weak have suffered at the unmerciful narrative of human history.

Satan in Job 1:6-11 was not as cynically skeptical as the biblical scribes hav made him. HE did give the more accurately cogent Devil's advocacy for the cursing dismissal of humankind.

I, for one who has not only seen and learned, as you readers of this have, but have known the 'scythe of consequences' that's befallen those who've settled in subordination to their principality's version of willful ignorance, so that they may escape and flee having moral and ethical co-ownership to the altruistic sacrifice of duty for the common good of others, more than themselves

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