Sunday, July 10, 2022

Micro behaviors that mirror the macro ills w/7/13/22 addenda

 From discussions with single-moms who represent the 'bearers of culture' for the subsequent generations. It's NOT because they're 'single-moms', as it is their pre-existent environments that predisposed them to these observation critiques. From being the observer or subject of arbitrary, self-indulgent behavior, their version of such became part of their modus operandi for doing and being the way they are.


7/13//22 addenda


A Scroogian, Dickensian angle of the 'OlGal being the future-times consequence of 'The Hostess' of present times is consistent with the burnt bridges of death and disaffection that have marked where and with whom my own past. Being given the allegory of She of the future with She I'd encounter soon after for 'The Treat' for me she was "hosting".. What becomes of those whose cunning of early days is short-term and reduces them to the sensitivity of others than their own near-predatory manipulative skill of their "prime years of 'self-esteem' ".



Being a single woman with an indulged man-CHILD increases your vulnerability to needing/wanting things not only for his indulgence but as a parallel similar over-compensation for the over-extendeness you have to do for being the doting, over-compensating decompressed 'Mom', your self.

It's more a psychological thing you like to do, because it fits the environment of indulgence (in this case being a mannish-Child's Mom) as it was with those associations that encouraged and enabled the stuff for those substance and psychological impulses that led to the adverse circumstances of the past and the impulses of the present.

Impulsive environments based on whim, can be broken by no longer giving yourself the needed rationale by succumbing in a co-dependent enablement of behaviors and habits that ARE off-the-chain or portend to be more serious off-the-chain attitudes in the future. What you practice for the disciplined good of your environment is the main impulse to be cultivated 



Particularly when its done as managing a status of leverage with another for future status and privilege, and it's the wrongly perceived characterization of the other-recounted narrative.

Fact of the matter that serendipitous and spontaneous encounter in the parking lot before the scheduled "treat" was more earnest than the proposed treat done to me 'as being so unique as you thought it would be'.

Time exposes what people try to impose and project. That Ol' Gals shared honesty of forthrightness in verbal quality and quantity surpassed the smug calculus of what came off as 'This treat by me will give him that needed attention he, as all 'similar' men, want and crave..'. 'The Hostess of the treat' was disingenuous from her mind-tripping on me, the initially welcoming obliged acceptor of her "treat".

Fact of the matter was that except for a forthrightness honesty of her presumption from the 'Hostess', there's nothing she could do for me that I practically need. Any aesthetic supplements would be for me would be mind-tripping and for her willing, not the calculated gratuity-as it was-after me and the Ol' Gal's synchronistic, prior encounter. 

Ol Gal's desire for whatever perceived need she thought and believed was an expressed mind-trip proposed forthrightly to me. My giving to her the majority of my cash excess was my willing gratuity of appreciation for her forthrightness and her "need".

Compared to what 'the hostess' of the treated 'celebratory' meal: an disingenuously insincere and accepted social engineered-template of ulterior motives. That mindset of 'the hostess' made what I expected would be the highlight of the mid-day, to not being memorialized as that 3 minute encounter with Ol'Gal.

One thing that the above narrative is given as an abstract judgement on those encounters, is that I'm not projecting a state of mind or intent on the characters. They by their actions are their own reporters and I'm the scribe for their reports they're giving. The atmospherics and trappings of that situation can be recognizable to others who've been observant of such conditions or circumstances, themselves.

Memorializing such moments that speak for themselves as that parking lot and meal-treat, speaks to a broader condition recognizable to observants of life's human dramas of foibles.


So, 'When You came back on me'
What would another woman do if you had the same tone with her?
Like the saying goes, 'If ya wanna run with the big dogs... or just stay on the porch' 

If ya haven't noticed from as way back to JFK's assassination to the line in Godfather-I, "If history has taught us anything, anyone can be killed..", to what we see in Texas, Buffalo, Illinois to even in highly, culturally disciplined Japan, there's no safe ground, no entitlement, no protected rank or status.

You're either are a stand-up person of your own say-so, with no 3rd party rationales as justifying dependency crutches. If it comes down to a principle of substantive functionality to your on-going actions that are more than a trifling irritation to your abstraction of the world, have at it!

Other than that, it's just another dimension beyond your reality where your say is just another moot opinion as ubiquitous as any body part that would spouts its own sh't..

That's the reality..

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