Monday, September 27, 2021

"They wouldn't know You from God!"

  Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters - The Atlantic

Short of 'God' being synonymous and consistent with some conception of absolute truth... Even the farcical scene above shows, as was warned and admonished-Matthew 24:24 [NIV]24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

So having  put those two boundaries as examples, I put forth this proposition:

'If there's an anthropomorphic form, would the ethical, utopian iteration and manifestation of 'God' presume to declare THEESELF even to that incarnated vessel of it's identity beyond its temporal circumstances? In that respect, there would be no way for anyone to identify such a being than from some supernatural, omnipotent, intuitive and omniscient phenomena that would categorically place that person in an ultra-normal status of vindicating validation. BUT...the main catch that 'Creation' and the laws that operate would be in auto-mode as the self-anonymous deity affirms thee-self by deeds than self-declaration or anointing.

Those vindicating deeds of validation would be contingent upon an omniscient intuitive congruence of that being with those qualities. If that proposition is valid, then whatever intuitive affinity of conviction 'thy' would-and-could manifest would be the 'testament' of such a presence. Since these qualifications give no guarantee  of a definitive and prospective, rectitudinous identity: any Tomi-Ricardo-Harris might be the one. That means that You, the reader, who has the sufficient "nature" of consistency and congruence for developing to such supernatural-omnipotence-omniscient behavior that in belated comparison and retrospective would be acknowledged in testaments as 'Such'. 

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