Saturday, May 15, 2021

New bonds of association



New bonds of association...The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.” … |  Optical illusions art, Illusion art, Art optical...what I've gravitated to once I became a renegade more than a free radical from my original core source. Part of the narrative that either I (or some logic) authored myself  for this incarnation was that the sentiment that under-girds the social homilies of others (family) are no longer a factor for me. Events conditioned me to develop a non-sentimental insulation for any appeals to family. Since that is the basis, once you're past the natal-maternal bond, it qualifies other social relations in an even more subordinate pecking order of priority. [epilogue: Social status, which is ubiquitously used implicitly when talking of fame and fortune, is cauterized from your expectations for yourself. Not because you wouldn't want a sample taste of it-at the least. It's, because to have what I'll be mentioning of the graces of serendipitous insights and portals, the worst thing-as emotional and intellectual, self-conscious baggage you'd want to have [the camel and the eye-of-the-needle parable].

The new apex of focus are the different tropes of serendipity that make their "telling", in form, and "telling", in narrative content, fortuitous insights or reminders to me of my existential juxtaposition of orientation-my philosophic dialectic. By those qualities I am able by my self-definition of myself to deduce the next preferred logical option for myself, as if it was the solution to an algorithm. 

Having a presumption of a contingent solution reduces ambiguity and skepticism for the choice I make. This is the effect of those fortuitous serendipities I encounter. They lubricated the disaffection and estrangement I developed with the immediate social paradigms and the systemic cultural paradigm systems  that supported those social trappings.

As a relative liberation from the contemporaneous and the mores and legacies of my contemporaries, I conjure my own creation with the cannibalized forms I've deconstructed from that temporality. Call it an icon or idol, even in its intangible state, if you will. But the faith given to it is contingent and not unconditional. It is transactional, going back to being a renegade, free radical.

In this dimensional new state, I exist in a parallel plane within this material dimension. I'm, meaning my emotions, are an apparition to my public facade-a (relatively benign) sociopath. In this state of disaffected anomie, I have casual awareness and an obliged  conscientious interest in the contemporaneous doings of others, plus an arm's length disinterest in their casual eruptions of personal drama. 

It's, for me, finding that space of solitude in which my focus has greater awareness of the perceptual nuances holding kernels of insight for me (much as I was viewing a TV plot in which the trope of 'family loyalty' was being portrayed as the dominant and underlying immutable in human relations). My intuitive disagreement with that narrative from my own empirical experiences moved me to these words you're reading now.

More importantly than your apprehension of these words into your cognitive field, is I reinforcing and buttressing an attitude which precipitates consequent serendipities, much as an I-Ching throw provides an occult reading. That reinforcement and buttressing is the 'Thou' of my dialectic, fleshing-out the needed discipline of minimalist, efficient use of my carnal and mental energies (despite any nay-saying regarding this and other similar actions).

My successful and efficacious disciplines not only benefit my serendipitous outcomes, but provide in a long-term retrospective (if not the prescient prospective) comprehension of an alternate standard measure for others to adopt for their way of being. I become a close asymptotic representation of, what I name as, the Cosmic Order.


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