Monday, April 5, 2021

Paranormal Objectified Instrumentalities of your Carnal Manifestations

Oh, clueless ones! Your divine worshiped one, Jesus, said what I say to you now, 'You know not what you do'.

Existing in the smug circumscription of 'humanism', you glorify the vanities of the whims of yourself. You think you live in an unconnected vacuum. Truth be told, it is within your 'disconnected bubble' of incestuous thinking. That incestuous thinking has led you into a maze of fallacies that are the circumscribed boundaries of your being.
labyrinth | pauladkin 

Beyond and transcendent to the multiple layers and subsets of your temporal provincialisms, you are functional receivers and transmitters-of form and in content-of substance and metaphoric substance of the spatial and time dimensions. From your intellectual neonatal state of your species, being able to objectify was an essential part of discerning your cognitive field for danger as well as for pleasure.Multilayer networks: aspects, implementations, and application in  biomedicine | Big Data Analytics | Full Text

Appraisal theory - Wikipedia 

Your immersing yourself in the trappings of your terrestrial, cultural, and social pleasures have so limited, degraded, and degenerated your faculties of discernment, that you operate in a cloud of relative, subjective ambiguities. Each ambiguity is its own exclusive narrative of values and standards. Temporal trends, innovations, and improvisations within historical narratives propagate a heterodoxy of perspective juxtapositions and self-serving rationales. The latter juxtapositions and rationales become the explicit conscious and implicit subconscious paradigms for one's aesthetic definitions, that could be totally tangent to the essential features of the 'survival objectification faculties'.

That produces instrumentalities of self-objectification:

ala 'J Lo'
Jlo GIFs | Tenor. The predatory objectifiers 
Is sexual attraction bad/necessarily objectifying? : MensLib 

and the naive (passive aggressive) objectifiers miranda lambert hairstyles: Busty latina Daniela.  These are the logical spectro of objectifying consequences for the celebratory humanistic-centric expressions that manifest themselves. 

What 'They know not' is that not only how one projects themselves has temporal triggers-bad/good for others, but also the 'atmospherics' meant for an entirely tangent dimension. Many-to-most of the projections made/done for this dimension  are just junk signals in the transcendent dimensions.  As I've perceive it, the 'transcendent dimension' is composed of high frequency (not necessarily high-amplitude) signals, which much like our prehistoric hominids, operate for urgent similarities to 'flight-or-fight' signals. Much like setting off a fire alarmFire Alarm Pull Station Box. Picture Of Wall Mounted Manual Fire.. Stock  Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 77878987. in a hall, these signals precipitate [for reasons I don't know why or how, only partially] phenomena that are symbiotic, directly or indirectly, within a cognizant-connectable time frame for the appreciation of the actor's attention. Having caught the attention of the actor it adds a dimensional context of appreciation for the person's perceptual knowledge base. 

That dimension has little to do with this dimension beyond signalling to we in this dimension that there's 'some-thing-more' beyond this carnal, mortal experience. What is beyond you could equate to a prescient or surreal dream, which opens up a perspective on the purpose and instrumentality of our thoughts/dreams. It could be called an advent of serendipity and synchronicity because of its highly fortuitous nature. I can only speculate that the recipients by their mental intensity of sincere and virtuous, behavioral intent have connected to a 'responder', which/who's tuned-in and provides an interventionFacets of serendipity in everyday chance encounters: a grounded theory  approach to blog analysis in the anticipated and presumed experiential narrative conclusion, so that the recipient and anyone collaterally associated-whether proximally or remotely-with the recipient would be positively or negatively affected by the serendipity.

Clinically, one might say that a resetting of equity and balance to the prior circumstances and conditions has been done. One could say to an atheist that this would be the anonymous, abstract equivalent to what the religious attribute to their sacred icons. It's not done because the actor happened to be in a relatively more moral relationship, but because the actor's position was in a technically unbalanced position which the actor consciously sensed in an acute way.

Having known intimately or known about persons in that level of conscious, acute distress,and who seemingly didn't experience some merciful form of this serendipity and synchronicity, about which I'm propounding, you readers would/should  justifiably ask, 'What about THEM?'

Using my own experience:                                                                                                          Prior to my awareness of these phenomena, I'd developed a mindset that was open to the anomalous, the mysterious, the ad hoc spontaneous and sui generis events. The range of such things ran the gamut of my (naive) innocent and overly-generous credibility, such as OUIJA Boards, uncanny singular and repetitive incidents, resonating and fixating ideas and terms with extrapolational applications such as math and other lexicon terminology. 

The vernaculars of the past and present being the symbolic and meme symbols used as metaphors to construct envisionings of new alternative concepts and their dimensions.  Being able to associate one form for use in another venue made the ramifications of that utility versatile for conceptual gymnastic innovations with the metaphors off the base words, verbal memes, and concepts.

IN THE END....the phenomena created by the experience of our reflective and kinetic existence are default and de facto instrumentalities for random pedestrian-and in my dialectic, paranormal-dimensions. Though the pedestrian consequences are probably the primary, relevant concern for you, the reader; your expressions and the level of consciousness you have of them does figure in whether you have self-agency of your instrumentality or are you an other's tool-for worse or better?


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