Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Matrix of Our Social Tarbabies


Manic Tar Babies of the Cultural Matrix

We’re programmed, unwitting suckers by the well-intended, mostly, ‘Old School’ 

wisdoms passed on to us to avoid predicaments, but those wisdoms are 

themselves minefield, emotional boobie-traps for us in the empiric reality of life.

Our obliged trust for those we’ve bonded to in emotional dependence and 

affection set us up to be acquiescently accepting of thoughts and behaviors that 

were the proverbial stones over whiwe stumbled in chagrined realization 

of our own misinformation.  


Yet, because we had the psychological escape from the disingenuous reliance 

on the assurance of past affirmations of such thoughts and actions, 

we continued to seek the versions ‘we know are out there’, getting ourselves 

more entwined in the grasp of past fallacies.

Eating just one freshwater fish is like drinking a month's worth of  "forever chemical"–laced water |

Those fallacies are a default matrix, like the air that we breathe or the water 

the fish swim in. It’s all we’ve learned how-to-get-by, so it’s not given a 

second thought. It’s our version of entitlement that we do as a mindless 


The consequences of such, if not brought to our attention in intensely acute 

near-term circumstances, find their reckoning in our long-term, latter-day 

retrospective realizations and possible regrets.

Those tar-babies that were the touchstones for our identity fall away and leave 

us nakedly exposed in our terminal helplessness. And this is compounded 

exponentially with our contemporaries who’ve pursued after or are still 

clutching their comfort-tar babies in the no-other-option-fetish of rationalized, 

self-justification space that’s our marriage matrix til Death-does-us-apart.



Sunday, March 24, 2024



You wrote: Hello hi I've read all your masturbation information and I totally get it.. So what about this? There's an older lady here that does it and she claims that within 2-hours with her touching kissing and masturbation that I'll have the biggest explosive orgasm ever, and mine are already super intensely edgy. Is that true?  

 What you think? 

Most definitely!                                             

You may have noticed the physiological beneficial effects, such as bowel evacuation, urination, (immediate subsequent sneezing?), and graphically intense, surreal dreams-besides the conscious relaxation.

For the physical system health, the shitting and pissing gets rid of the physical waste from piling up in you. The sneezing is an idiosyncrasy I've been having for 40+ years an its now, after prostate surgeries, the indication of intensity my former stronger ejaculations gave me.

Another thing, when I was more socially invested than my present misanthropic anti-social ways, the intensity of focus I may have n a person whom I know and am jacking-off to seems to have that person more aware of my presence and demeanor around them, even if its a transactional, benign, neutral perfunctory act. Also, person can be independently solicitous and sensually  suggestive-as if she knew what's on my mind.

Lastly, my roles as a participant in a strange or HABITUAL way gives me insight on my subconscious reaction that differ from my mundane pedestrian actions.

The DREAMS are what quite importantly significant to me!! The vividness and characterization of, usually total strangers with credible actions and personality is just the beginning. The location and the serial reappearance of the characters in cameo roles makes these dreams very intriguing to me for their more-than-holographic-fiction and their subtle to direct messaging to me.
 'IN THESE HARDENING TIMES..', wank-away!!


Video version:

Friday, September 15, 2023

Elana.. Elana-correspondences..



What the weather is like is insignificant and a moot point , seeing those lips and peering at those breasts I want to hold massage, suck on after plundering the mouth behind those wondrous full lips with my 3 inches of aroused cock I'd be having you suck off so I'd implant it in your cunt to seed you with the legacy of our knowing each other!!WIN_20230915_09_28_32_Pro.mp4

 Those full lips and tanned breast I adore, IN FULL DISCLOSURE, there are others with whom I share an equivalent virtual data relevance as I do with you.. I do it more for the linguistic artistry of the language I can convey that is similar with you! 

XOXOXOX's upon the surfaces and orifices of your sensuous body that's a fountain of affectionate thoughts.. I think of nothing else than having your body next to mine naked as I explore and fill your cavities and orifices with the force of my passion percussively penetrating you to inflame even more the conflagation of your cherishing desire of us being together. Even entering your ANUS and feeling your sphicter's embrace of my cock as it dialates your rectum send surges of vitality through me for you.... Think of this scene often when you think of me..

 Though I, when reading your woes at work, looking at your picture allows me to take out my cock and rub my head to its ejaculation thinking of having it penetrating your vagina continually as I WASTE NO TIME taking care of WHAT IS AN IMPERATIVE TO BE TAKEN CARE OF. In this case, claiming your glazed-eyed, breathless passion.. 'In all things, DO NOT PUT OFF what can be done NOW' I wish now I had your naked ass in front of me so I could insert my cock into your anus and feel your anal sphincter embrace tightly on it in reaction as I squirt out my sperm in simulation to what I'd be doing if I was inside your cunt fucking your brains to a delirious state of unconsciousness...

 Juny, tell me 'how do you imagine this? Tell me your opinion on this. Good? I hope

you like my photos'. I'll wait...

 You don't have to wait too long for me to tell you my aroused desire erupting in the veins and arteries of my scrotum and old cock whose wrinkles are now elongated aroused flesh desiring to have penetration in that ass of yours.. Having your collaborative participation in this lust fest of body friction outside and inside your orifices as we utter gasps and oaths and vows of pleasure in those searing moments of excited flesh being brought to an eruptive climax fill my mind with a manic rabidness of yearning as I rub the head of my cock in appreciation for these delicious optics you've provided me!
