Saturday, September 16, 2017

Just Under-our-Sophistication

Under our skin...
(Is ‘the amoral being’ of organic expediency)

As much as we can be prospectively rational, we are tied to our chemical protocols set by the aeons of our genetic and evolutionary branches. Objectifying has been our primary defensive and (literally and figuratively) offensive patterns for our survival-both imminent and generational. No matter what different intellectual perspective we use to define the quality of a characteristic for its contemporary utility it does not alter the signal for the primal triggers for our offensive or defensive reaction. We may have left the physical conditions of the wild, but those meta-conditions have not disappeared but have been reapplied to analogous and metaphorical applications. Gentility is an elective convenience for unique conditions, as much as Vulgarity is for other kinds of conditions. Though each had its predominance in certain ages, both represent the transitory nature of ethos. Those ethos being the accepted manifestation of the primal drives and their expressions.

Whatever we deign to be the fashions and standards of behavior for today are most likely derivatives of other derived approximations and sublimation of the primal drives. The raw progenitor energy lies in a latent dormancy within us, until some profound triggers activates it. Any contemporary cultural notions of propriety that dismiss out of hand the primal natures that compose us risk the retributions for that folly of denial and non-acknowledgement of the basics of our nature.

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